Why IS Strand Discrimination Degrading?

Senior High School students, pertaining to one’s hardships and intellectual capability. However, each strand caters variety of topics suited to a specific profession relevant to the society and is in accordance of their own specialization. For instance, STEM focuses on Science and Mathematics, HUMSS on Humanities and Social Sciences, ABM is more on Business Management, TVL is more vocational, while GAS refers to general academic strand meaning, sudents from this strand have to be a jack of all aces since it molds the students based on the subjects intensified by the other strands.

Academic strands are usually referred to as strands that requires brain, most especially STEM since Science and Math is referred to be subjects that quench every brain cells of students. Albeit, the track chosen by a student does not define one,s intellectual capability and intelligence. Every student vary, from their interest to their field of expertise, and that’s the purpose of strands- to mold students in accordance to their skills, to enhance their talents, and to shape their well-being to prepare them to the world ahead.

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